My “Why”
By Rachel Camarota
The other night I was in a training for our coordinators when we were asked the question "why" First Priority? Now, I had an answer for why I was a high school teacher, why I write a blog, and why I was drawn to serving in youth ministry. I just never really put into words my "why" for being so passionate about First Priority and since I am just getting to know all of you, I wanted to share it.
Growing up I had a very rough childhood. There were multiple times we lived without electricity. I can't remember a time in my life without a lot of alcohol, drugs, and abuse. My safe haven was school. Besides the typical group of "mean girls" nobody really threatened me there. There was always electricity, food, and books. I found safety in my school, I found safety in my classroom, and I found an escape through reading.
But...nobody SAW me. Let me explain what I mean. Nobody truly looked past the crooked smile or the brown eyes to see what was really going on in my heart. It was rough, really rough. All that my teachers and peers saw was a girl who could put on a good fake smile. They saw what they wanted to see and if we are being honest, aren't we all a little blind sometimes? Eventually, this led me to 11th grade where I was contemplating suicide. Thank God He found me before I committed anything serious.
Why do I share this with you? I share this with you because I went to school in the "Bible belt" and nobody ever shared the name of Jesus with me. I share this difficult part of my story with you because once I met Jesus, I was really confused and then really angry. WHY didn't someone tell me about Jesus sooner? I remember my teachers and friends calling themselves "Christians" so why didn't anyone explain what that meant and introduce me to the Man who could save my life? Why didn't anyone care enough or make the time to tell me that I was chosen, worthy, and wanted? Would my life had been different if someone shared Jesus with me sooner? It took 18 years for someone to finally see me and at that point, it was almost too late.
So my "why" for First Priority is actually very simple. We have a chance to not miss another child, another teen, another student. We have a beautiful opportunity to train missionaries to go into the local schools and give the Good News! OH MY GOODNESS that makes me want to jump up and down for joy! Another Rachel doesn't have to walk through school with a busted lip and a broken heart. Another Rachel doesn't have to fight the alcoholism, drug abuse, and violence that plagues her home life alone. Another Rachel doesn't have to wait 18 years for someone to tell her about Jesus.
First Priority is the answer I never knew I needed. Yes, I was making an impact as a school teacher but it was small and regulated. I wanted to do more. I want to train the next generation to not miss someone, to truly see people, and to be so full of Jesus that they can't help but give away the Good News. We have the chance to be in the largest mission field for students in America - the school system. We cannot waste this opportunity. We cannot let one more student think their life is worthless. We cannot watch as the next generation and the next generation and the next generation fall further and further away.
Our mission is the hope of Christ in every student. What are you waiting for?