Thankful for the Mondays
In prayer with the First Priority team during one of our recent team
meetings, I thanked the Lord for Mondays. This resonated with Rachel -
friend, colleague, and FP Executive Director extraordinaire! Rachel has a
unique ability in which she finds out our gifts and talents and encourages
us to utilize them in and alongside our work. This brought about her idea
for me to share what being thankful for the Mondays means to me.
Previously, I have always had some anxiety and trepidation on Sundays due
to the next day being Monday. From childhood into adulthood I have
always heard from so many how no one looks forward to Monday. Mondays
to most people may seem mundane or just a stepping stone to get to the
end of the week, which reminds me to be thankful not only on the exciting
days, but the ones that seem mundane as well. Pondering this lately, the
Lord reminded me that dreading Monday takes so much joy from our
Sunday, too. Instead of focusing on the present day and seeing the blessing
of this day that we are in, we are already assuming tomorrow, Monday, is
dreadful. This brings to mind Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry
about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has
enough trouble of its own”.
Working with FP and having our team meetings on Mondays has
completely changed my outlook and perspective on this day of the week.
It’s almost like it has been programmed or built in by society, so on
Sundays every now and then from habit I catch myself with a moment of
dread creeping up but then quickly remember, wait! I work at this amazing
place, with amazing people, for an amazing purpose, serving the one and
only amazing God! Then I remember I don’t have to dread Mondays. In
fact, I look forward to Mondays now because Mondays with the FP team
mean sitting at the table together talking about Jesus, sharing our
gratitude, and what He’s done for us and is doing for us. It means sharing
burdens and prayer requests. It means being vulnerable and maybe sharing
our struggles and weaknesses, maybe even shedding a few tears. On
Mondays at the table together we also laugh... A LOT! Sometimes my face
hurts because I laugh so much. Sometimes I cry because I’m laughing so
hard! On Mondays, at the table together, we look at what’s going on in FP,
in the clubs, specific needs, upcoming events, what we learned from them
and how we can improve on future ones, how we can serve and share the
Lord with others, be a blessing to others, how we can pray for others, how
we work alongside one another for the Kingdom, and so much more! On
Mondays, we pray. When I say pray I don’t mean a quick two or three
minute prayer, I mean we dig in and we all take turns praying and we may
pray for 30, 45 minutes, or more each Monday. This is a sneak peek for you
at what our Mondays look like!
Mondays make us slow down when the rest of the world hits the ground
running. Mondays set us up in the best way for the week ahead because we
draw close to the Lord, are intentional, focus on Him and His kingdom, and
spend that quality time in prayer. Mondays are encouraging here with the
FP team! Mondays have taken on a whole new meaning to me and while I
never looked forward to Mondays at any other job I’ve ever had or when I
was in school, Mondays with FP mean purpose, blessing, encouragement,
laughter, joy, and so much more. We are friends, family, and coworkers all
in one at FP. We love and serve Jesus, our Savior and the One true King! I
am thankful for the Mondays!
I pray this will be an encouragement and reminder to you, as well, to be
thankful for them, too. After all, a Monday is also a day that the Lord has
made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24.